720 kids are diagnosed with childhood cancer every goddamned day.
Childhood cancer is and remains the leading cause of death by disease for kids under age 15.
Research is consistently underfunded.
I apologize for the swearing, really I do. But it just makes me feel angry and helpless.
I don’t know what to do. So I’ll do what I can.
September is National Childhood Cancer Awareness Month, and Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation is going the distance with the Million Mile Run. Collectively, people who care about stomping out cancer in our kids are walking or running one million miles to work toward better treatments and research for a cure.
The Million Mile Run will act as an easy way for walkers and runners of all abilities to contribute to the fight against childhood cancer and raise the profile of the awareness month…Though some people have commented that one million miles might be a crazy goal, and maybe they are right, my daughter Alex taught me that when you set your mind to something and garner the help of others, anything is possible. She reached her million, and I think we can too.
-Foundation Co-Executive Director, Jay Scott
I haven’t been running a whole lot lately, as I’ve had some nagging heel pain I don’t want to aggravate before I do Spartan Race at the end of the month. But I’m walking and softly jogging my part of a million miles.
I’m signed on as a member of the Delaware Valley Bloggers team— localish ladies who I love and who are doing a great job organizing and lighting a fire under our collective butts.
Our team was inspired by two local childhood cancer heroes, Lily & Maggie.
Lily was diagnosed with a brain tumor called ependymoma when she was 14 months old. Lily endured five brain surgeries and a month-long hospital stay at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. Brain surgery left Lily unable to sit, crawl or walk. But now, Lily who is 7, is cancer-free. Lily can walk and she can dance and jump and rock it on the soccer field! Lily can run! Lily will be running along with our team as we work to reach our goal of 1,000 miles and $10,000 for a cure for all kids with cancer!
Maggie was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastomic leukemia (B-ALL) just a few months ago in May at 2 years old. All of her life, Maggie has been a whirlwind of giggles and red curls. And even though cancer and aggressive chemotherapy has temporarily stolen those lovely curls, they did not steal her tenacious spirit. Maggie and her parents fought this disease with everything they had. Finally, on July 5, Maggie was declared cancer-free! However, she will continue to receive a variety of treatments and testing to ensure that she stays healthy. As she works on regaining her physical strength, we will walk and run for Maggie!
I seriously have read that passage probably a dozen times now and it hurts my heart every time. I’ve been so lucky to raise three relatively healthy, carefree kids. Lily and Maggie have happy cancer-free endings, but their childhoods have already been so hard and there are so many kids and families out there that need support to find the happy endings they deserve.
Our team goal is 1,000 miles and $10,000. We’re at 371 miles now and $603. Won’t you help? It’s so easy.
Join our team to help us reach our mileage goal or or create your own.
There is no fee to sign up. If you use MapMyRun, you can make it so your miles count automagically, or you can manually log your miles daily. Every mile helps.
Make a donation.
Every dollar helps. Seriously. One dollar. Two dollars.
If you really wanted to light a fire under me you could promise a certain dollar amount for every mile I manage between now and the end of the month. Just sayin’.
Spread the word.
This infographic is a good place to start.
Cancer sucks, y’all. Let’s kick childhood cancer’s ass.
About Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation
Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation (ALSF) emerged from the front yard lemonade stand of cancer patient Alexandra “Alex” Scott (1996-2004). In 2000, 4-year-old Alex announced that she wanted to hold a lemonade stand to raise money to help find a cure for all children with cancer. Since Alex held that first stand, the Foundation bearing her name has evolved into a national fundraising movement, complete with thousands of supporters across the country carrying on her legacy of hope. To date, Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation, a registered 501(c)3 charity, has raised more than $60 million toward fulfilling Alex’s dream of finding a cure, funding over 300 pediatric cancer research projects nationally. For more information on Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation, visit AlexsLemonade.org.
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