Honey Badger Mom

Author: Robin

  • What You Need to Know About Colon Cancer: #ColonCancerACC Chat 3/20

    What You Need to Know About Colon Cancer: #ColonCancerACC Chat 3/20




    This is my dad.

    My dad was a wonderful person.

    My dad was thoughtful and intelligent and kind.

    My dad was a stubborn SOB and it killed him.

    My dad never saw a doctor about suspicious symptoms. I assume it was because he was afraid.

    I’ll never know, because when the cancer in his body metastasized and quickly swept his body he hid from me, believing he had a flu he couldn’t shake and saying he didn’t want to get my kids sick. Telling us to stay away. When I saw him a few weeks later he had lost a ton of weight, he was moaning in pain, he couldn’t get to the bathroom a few yards away. We called an ambulance to take him to the hospital a block away, where they pumped him full of morphine.

    He never said another coherent word to me, other than to apologize for being so out of it. He barely resembled the father I knew from just a few weeks before; so frail and skeletal.

    He died less than 48 hours later, alone in the ER. His brother, my uncle, had run to the phone to call us and tell us to come quickly, there wasn’t much time.

    Cancer took my father and I’m still mad as hell about it. He should still be here. He should be cheering my daughter on at soccer games, playing guitar with my oldest, talking metaphysics with Maverick. He should have been at my brother’s wedding, he should be reading Dr Seuss to my brother’s two beautiful little girls.

    It started as colon cancer, we were told, but by the time he died it was everywhere.

    It didn’t have to be that way.

    One in 20 people are affected by colon cancer. It’s the 3rd most commonly diagnosed form of cancer in the US and the 2nd leading cause of cancer death in the US for men and women combined.

    But colon cancer is often beatable when detected and treated in its early stages. It’s preventable. Polyps can be removed before they even develop into cancer.


    What You Need to Know About Colon Cancer:
    #ColonCancerACC Chat on 3/20

    My husband Jeff suffers from ulcerative colitis, which can involve symptoms like those involved in colon cancer (persistent stomachaches, cramps and bloating, rapid weight loss, constant fatigue, bloody bowel movements). His heightened risk of developing the cancer that stole my father scares the living hell out of me, and the kids and I have the elevated risk associated with family history.

    Unlike my dad, because of my dad, I can’t ignore facts out of fear, so I’ll be tuning into a Twitter chat this week as Penn Medicine and the Abramson Cancer Center discuss colon cancer, prevention, and the factors that increase your risk. If this touches your life at all, I hope you’ll check it out too— or share with someone who might benefit from the information.

    It’s happening on Thursday, March 20 from noon to 1 pm EST, hashtag #ColonCancerACC.

    Panelists will include:

    1. Timothy C. Hoops, MD, Director, Gastrointestinal Cancer Risk Evaluation Program at the Abramson Cancer Center
    2. Gregory G. Ginsberg, MD, Director Endoscopic Services at Penn Medicine
    3. Ursina Teitelbaum, MD, Medical Oncologist specializing in GI cancer at the Abramson Cancer Center
    4. Skandan Shanmugan, MD, Colon and Rectal Surgeon specialized in minimally invasive surgery for benign and malignant disease


    If you don’t have any risk factors for colon cancer, you should start being screened at age 50. With my family history I should schedule my first colonoscopy by 40. I think my brother has erred on the side of caution and already begun. Jeff should go every year or every other, depending on his doctor’s assessment.

    Colon cancer rates have dropped by 30% for people over 50 in the US over the last decade, and we have colonoscopy screenings to thank for that.

    Colonoscopies save lives. I wish I’d known that a long time ago.


    schedule colonoscopy


    Penn Medicine Facebook Page / Twitter @PennMedicine
    Penn Cancer Facebook Page / Twitter @PennCancer


  • So, About That Time I Ran the Citizen’s Bank Park Spartan Sprint

    So, About That Time I Ran the Citizen’s Bank Park Spartan Sprint

    I’m seeing murmurings of people preparing for Spartan Race 2014 and realized I never posted about my 2013 Spartan Race: the Citizen’s Bank Park Spartan Sprint.

    It was pretty much the most exhausting thing I’ve ever done, and I’ve gone through 3 natural childbirths.

    And I loved it. Even while I was hating it. While scaling the last obstacle before the finish line, I was already thinking about how to prepare for next time.

    Now, Spartan bills the Sprint race as being doable for anyone. But then they also turn around and say:

    An obstacle course race is designed to test your resilience, strength, stamina, quick decision making skills, and ability to laugh in the face of adversity. We want to own obstacle racing and our unique obstacle course trail races will demand every ounce of your strength, ingenuity, and animal instinct.

    which is somewhat intimidating, yeah? Hopefully reading through this recap of Spartan Race obstacles will help diffuse some of that intimidation.

    My official stance: anyone can finish Spartan Sprint if they are capable of stringing together 30 burpees without wanting to die, and are not terribly concerned about their time. I didn’t do all the obstacles, and for each one I missed I did the 30 burpees. So the best way to prepare, frankly, is lots and lots of burpees. The upside to that is— burpees make you strong, and that upper body strength will go a long way with the obstacles.

    The four of us took forever. We started as a team, we waited for each other, and we crossed the finish line as a team, and I was very pleased about that. For us it was more than a run, it was a group experience, something we did together.


    spartan race citizens bank park

    With Andrea, who I’ve known since grade school


    This was a stadium run, so we knew there would be no mud or water involved. It started off by going up several stories via the ramp; cords had been zigged and zagged across, first about waist high, then lower.

    I bear crawled at first like a champ (bear crawl is like going on hands and knees, only straight leg, butt down), scurrying up that ramp under the cords. Then there was a few feet of space before you hit the lower cords (meant to be stepped or jumped over).

    First bit of advice: when traveling at a speedy momentum up an incline, it’s best to slow down before attempting to stand up. 

    I totally bought it one minute into the damn race, my momentum hurtling me forward as I tried to stand upright while still running. Luckily I caught myself in time to take all the weight on my hands, and I was already wearing my gloves (I didn’t know what else to do with them).

    I didn’t scrape my knees and palms, I didn’t faceplant, but I did bang my wrist a bit and more importantly I was thoroughly shaken and feeling a bit stupid. I took it much easier the rest of the way up the ramp.


    spartan race citizens bank park


    After that there was cement blocks on pulleys which had to be hoisted way up and brought gently back down. Easy peasy and one of my favorite obstacles of the day.

    500 meter row in two minutes. Done. Thank you, CrossFit Riverfront.

    Then in no particular order:

    • a series of walls, from 6 feet to 8 or 9 feet, I’m not sure. The higher ones had a little step about the size of a brick built in, which were enough of a launchpad that I was able to scale them all, but my hips were seriously bruised the next day. Some walls had windows cut through the top half that you had to go through.
    • monkey bars. They were not level and not evenly spaced, and not every bar went all the way across. I got a little more than halfway done and my hand just slipped off one of the peg bars. My first set of 30 burpees.
    • stairs. Lots and lots of stairs. Up the stairs, down the stairs.
    • Weaving across sections of seats.
    • More corded ramps.
    • Bunny hop up two ramps with a thick resistance band around ankles. Most people kind of just walked it. My second piece of advice is to just do the bunny hop. It’s just as easy and takes way less time.
    • Carrying a filled water jug, more weaving across sections of seats.
    • Carrying a sand filled “pancake,” maybe about 15  pounds? Not terribly heavy. More weaving and stairs.


    spartan race citizens bank

    Kelly, Christian and I are pancake carrying champs.


    • Slam balls. 30 sounds right, I believe it was a 20 pound weight for the ladies.
    • Javelin throw. I had asked Jeff to fashion me a spear so I could practice throwing it at the bales of hay in the park, but we never got around to it. I’ve never thrown a javelin before. I totally overestimated and it went sailing up and over. 30 burpee penalty.
    • Carrying a cement filled bucket a short distance, doing some burpees (5? 10? Can’t remember) and then bringing it back.
    • 40 jumps with a heavy jump rope. I rather enjoyed this one, enough that I went ahead and bought my own heavy rope (an outdoor Muscle Rope jump rope).


    • Rope climb. I've never climbed a rope before either, and this was the obstacle I was most worried about; I was afraid I'd get to the top and be paralyzed there. Turns out I was worried about nothing because I couldn't figure out how to scale the damn rope. 30 burpee penalty.
    Tip #3: prep for the rope climb by watching this awesome rope climbing tutorial video and reading this post from one of our FitFluential Ambassadors, Parkour trainer Ryan Ford.  
      Now we were in the locker rooms and presumably the homestretch! 30 hand release pushups (chest all the way down to the floor, hands off the ground, then push back up). Short photo break in the dugout.   spartan race citizens bank park   30 box jumps. More walls. These were an easily manageable 6 feet. After the walls there was an open stretch to run on the infield before the next obstacle. I thought FOR SURE there was a camera trained here and I ran that sucker as fast as I could, slowing to a walk as I huffed and puffed and turned the corner. Turns out, THAT'S where the camera was.   spartan race citizens bank park   A sort of long horizontal rock climbing wall. I lost my footing and slipped off. 30 burpee penalty. A "V" wall. When I did my first obstacle race I thought these were scary because they sway as each person grabs on and jumps off, but they're old hat by now.  

    spartan race citizens bank park

      And then the literal homestretch, through the gladiator gauntlet. I look like I'm dancing. Like a moron.   spartan race citizens bank park   And that's that, man. We did it. And if we can, so can you. It was pretty badass. Like my socks.   spartan race citizens bank park   A couple more tips: If you check your bag, it costs 5 bucks but you get a $5 credit for any merchandise. They put a band on your bag and a matching one on your wrist. Tip #4: don't cut off and throw away the band before you remember to redeem it for merch. Tip #5: you can totally try some of the obstacles more than once. The javelin is one-shot-only, and I never would have made the rope climb, but I probably would have managed the monkey bars and rock climbing wall if I'd tried again. Tip #6: don't be afraid to ask for help, from team members or anyone else. I helped hoist a couple of people over walls, and I accepted a shoulder coming down off one of the high ones. The rope climb in particular was full of strangers helping each other and cheering each other on. This support is part of what makes obstacle runs particularly fulfilling. Tip #7: do the burpees, kids. On your honor. I saw plenty of people blow the burpees off and it didn't make any sense to me. You paid for this race, why not do the whole thing? I would feel cheated if I didn't run it as intended, and that means a physical/time penalty for each uncompleted obstacle. Tip #8, I guess, would be to wear close-fitting, sweat-wicking clothing so you're not dying of heat but also not flashing anyone (lots of opportunities for that). I was really grateful to have been wearing the gloves, and my knee highs definitely protected my shins more than once. I'm wearing Reebok shorts and shoes here (RealFlex which were sent to me by Reebok). I saw this weekend that Reebok just unveiled a new line of all-terrain shoes "built Spartan strong"— I haven't tried these but they look pretty cool, and are designed with obstacle racing in mind (good traction, rock guards, drainage ports). One last tip: sign up today, and start training now! Yes, it was hard, I'm not gonna lie. Much harder than finishing the Merrell Down and Dirty Mud Run and a world away from Dirty Girl. It was also hugely, hugely satisfying. DO IT. Join us in Philadelphia!   spartan race citizens bank park  

    Photos showing the Spartan logo were taken by Spartan Race and were FREE, which is awesome.

    The rest were taken by Andrea's boyfriend Chris, who is also awesome.


  • Fashion Friday: Ready for Spring

    Fashion Friday: Ready for Spring

    This post contains some links to affiliated companies. I point them out as I go.

    I’m going nuts impatiently waiting for the weather to warm. I own exactly two pairs of jeans that fit, and only one is skinny enough to be worn with boots (an unfortunate necessity with the constant snow and ice). I’ve made up for fashion boredom with unicorn hair, but in the next month or so I’ll go back to boring (easy maintenance) hair and ramp up the clothing.


    pretty pony hair


    Life’s too short to not have fun with what you’re wearing.

    Fashion should be a form of escapism,
    and not a form of imprisonment.

    -Alexander McQueen

    Two things keep me going these last weeks of winter: seed catalogs and fashion magazines. Hope strings eternal.

    These are just a few of the things that have caught my eye this week and are making me crazy excited for springtime to come:


    These Kate Spade Izzie heels in Tiffany blue.

    I’ve never owned Kate Spade anything— she’s not quite my bag— but I would wear these until they fell off. Pure confection.

    I hope every bride in the world goes down the aisle in these things as their something blue.

    Kate Spade Tiffany blue Izzie heels


    These Lorna Jane Charlotte tights.

    The site refers to “wet look” panels; I think we all know we’re talking pleather. But that bit of detail makes  these tights polished and totally elevated  to street-worthy.

    They could be worn with sneakers, heels or boots, and I know from experience that Lorna Jane tights are awesomely comfortable and flattering.


    Lorna Jane Charlotte


    Tutus for days.

    My friend MizFitOnline reminded me that I am in need of tutus. There is no resisting a swishy skirt.

    I love about 90% of what is offered at Pettiskirt Style but right now I’m really feeling the black-on-ivory. Some girls might want to dress like Swan Lake… me, I want to capture the dancing ostriches in Fantasia.


    black tutu


    I need all the TOMs.

    Zulily (that’s an affiliate link, I make a bit of moneys if you sign up) is running a deal on TOMs and I can’t decide which ones I need most. Halp me. Seriously, tell me in the comments which one you like best. Within the next 24 hours.

    TOMs deal


    Zulily is a fashion deal site that I actually unsubscribed from because I couldn’t take the constant temptation; I only know about this one because so many people posted about it on Facebook. They have WONDERFUL deals on kids’ apparel.

    I’m not even going to show you the kid TOMs, they’re too cute to handle.

    Oh, OK, you twisted my arm.


    TOMS kids deal



    We’re All Mad Here

    I’m a sucker for Wonderland inspired clothing and photography. I love everything about this Shabby Apple outfit: the Victorian lace, the insane skirt that somehow evokes Caterpillar, OMG THAT TEA SET. TAKE ALL MY MONEY AND GIVE ME THAT TEA SET.


    alice inspired


    Can this be the season we bring hats back? Please?

    I see about five I would happily rock over at Anthropologie, but this one especially has a hold on my heart.




    And this beanie feels like a must-have seasonal transition piece.


    Anthropologie beanie



    Train Like a Freak: bringing sexy back

    I am hooked on sports bras with complicated backs, but not quite brave enough to be going around in just my bra. This sweatshirt from TLF Apparel (Train Like a Freak) is all gym business in the front, and a complicated-strap-revealing party in the back.


    open back sweatshirt


    TLF is a client of FitFluential, and they sent me this top to try out. (I’m wearing it tonight and will let you know what I think.) Their line has tanks with complicated backs that I covet and is just generally pretty badass— reasonably priced, too.


    Rock the Shamrock

    I (clearly) already own these, but St Patrick’s Day is fast approaching! Time to rock the shamrock and get ready for my first 5K of the season. These are from Pro Compression (another FitFluential client, I bought these with my own hardearned cash money and sadly earn nothing for referrals) and are the Sock of the Month, meaning they are 40% off (use code CLOVER).

    Get you some, but be quick about it, they sell out of the SOM quickly.


    That’s not it, not even close, but I need to stop sometime.


    What’s catching your eye fashion-wise right now?